One of the highlights of the hiking season for me is the hike to the top of Nevada Falls in Yosemite via the mist trail. When we did this two years ago Hubby had a lot of trouble. People would stop him and ask "are you OK?" He made it up and down but we decided that would be the last time he would undertake such a demanding hike. We thought it was his age, he was 75. We were wrong.
Jules now Jules two years ago |
It wasn't his age, it was his weight. Now, 35 pounds lighter he was ready to try again.
Off we went. The trail starts out pretty easy, paved with a nice wall to keep one from falling off the edge. It is a bit steep, even at this point and can be very hot in summer months.
At the first bridge there is a nice view of Vernal Fall.
Then the trail heads up, up some steep steps carved out of the granite.
There can be a bit of a traffic jam.
Finally the trail goes along the cliff and then up to the top of Vernal Fall.
The reward for making it this far is lunch where Silver Apron flows into Emerald Pool.
After lunch we hit the trail again and cross the Merced River for the second time.
Then it is up more granite steps, some with a view of Nevada Fall. This is where other hikers became concerned about Hubby's well being on our previous hike. No problem this time. Sure, it was strenuous and we felt it, 1,900 feet is a lot of up.
Once at the top we always find it was well worth the effort.
This backpacker even found himself an easy chair! It looks like he brought along an e-book as well. All the comforts of home.
Now we cross back to the other side of the Merced. We didn't want to take the steep Mist Trail back down. The John Muir trail is gentler but not as interesting.
We look back at Liberty Cap on our way down. Just one of the many granite domes for which Yosemite is so famous.
A few late autumn flowers still grace a weeping wall along the trail.
And we look back frequently, not wanting to miss the spectacular views of Nevada Fall.
Will we make this hike again next year? We hope so but the day may come when age will be the factor that keeps us on the valley floor.
You will find more views of our wonderful world at
Our World, Tuesday. Hosted for us by Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sandy and Sylvia.