Morro Bay on the Central California Coast is a popular place to vacation for humans, birds and humans looking for birds. With a nice State Park Campground with hook-ups it was perfect for us.
Brant |
The area has a variety of habitats which means there is a variety of bird life.
American Wigeon |
In the grasslands of the estuary we saw Brants, American Wigeons and Great Blue Herons.
female Bufflehead |
In the bay were Buffleheads, Loons, Greater Scaup, Ruddy Ducks, Pelicans, and a variety of grebes.
Loon |
Grebe | |
I find it hard to ID the grebes in there winter plumage, my guess would be an Eared Grebe. I also saw pied-billed grebes.
Ruddy Duck |
I love the way their little tails stick up.
American White Pelican |
Greater Scaup |
I'm sure there were many species out in the bay that escaped my view.
Brown Pelican |
Other birds were spotted above the water like this Brown Pelican.
A squadron of Cormorants skimmed the water.
female Belted Kingfisher |
Hubby spotted this Kingfisher watching for a meal from the mast of a sailboat. Thanks Jules, my best kingfisher image yet.
Long Billed Curlew |
Shorebirds hunted in the mudflats at low tide. In addition to the Curlew I saw Egrets, Marbled Godwits and Willets.
Assorted Peeps |
I was told that there were some redknots among the other peeps out at the water's edge. They were too far to get a good shot.
Black Phoebe |
Of course, there were passerines as well. I heard but did not see a Great Horned Owl.
We saw a lot in our three days but there is a lot more to see, we need to go back.
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Our World, Tuesday, hosted by Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sandy and Sylvia.