There are those who would use the tragedy in Orlando for political gain calling the actions of one mentally ill man an example of "radical Islam" and condemning all Muslims.
Some would have us exclude Muslims from our country for fear or "radical Islam".
Should we then exclude all Christians for fear of "radical Christianity" as exhibited by people like Eric Rudolph?
Around our nation so-called Christians have been preaching violence against the LGBT community for years. Is this the type of nation we want to be? Are hate filled Christians any better than hate filled Muslims.
Who was it that said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Oh, right, that was Jesus, wasn't it?
Some would have us exclude Muslims from our country for fear or "radical Islam".
Should we then exclude all Christians for fear of "radical Christianity" as exhibited by people like Eric Rudolph?
Around our nation so-called Christians have been preaching violence against the LGBT community for years. Is this the type of nation we want to be? Are hate filled Christians any better than hate filled Muslims.
Who was it that said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Oh, right, that was Jesus, wasn't it?