One of the many challenges of caring for a child like Michael is finding things that will interest him. Like all of us, he eventually tires of games, toys and activities he has mastered while new things are difficult to learn and understand. He can be overwhelmed by too much stimuli.
We went down to San Diego for a weekend, a bit of vacation for his parents and a chance for Grandma and Grandpa to spend time with Michael and his parents.
We stopped to picnic at the beach along the way. Michael seemed to think this was pretty good.
We went to San Diego Zoo. He enjoyed the food his mom had brought for him and he likes riding in his chair.
Playing with mom was more fun than climbing on the many sculptures as other kids were doing.
The animals, not much interest there. We weren't too surprised but if we don't keep trying new things or revisiting old ones we'll never know what might interest him.
Traveling with Michael is a lot of work. His mom prepared food to take with us and brought a blender so she could puree food we got on the trip. He slept on a blow up bed we had brought along with waterproof sheets. We had his wheelchair so that we could walk and sight see but had him walk as much as he could.
Families of disabled children need all the help and support that they can get. With the new congress I worry that funding will be cut to programs for the disabled. Are we losing our compassion, our progressive spirit? Are business interests and the accumulation of more and more wealth all the American people care about? I am very dissapointed in the direction our world is headed.
See more world views at That's My World Tuesday, hosted for us by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia.
What a special day for everyone. I'll be this is very challenging. Yet Michael has so many loving people around him. Blessings.
I am glad for you to post this -- I had hoped you would tell us just a little bit about your visit. I think he had a good time, maybe not the same good time somebody else would have, but a good time anyway. It's lovely to see his mom and dad's love shine through
I share your view of the State of the Nation. I don't think there is much compassion these days from those who just took over the House and almost Senate.
I hope voters will come to their senses next time (It's happened before, there's always hope)
Looked like Michael liked being out and about even if he wasn't interested in the dinosaurs. Hope you enjoyed being with him also!
Great photos of your outing with the family. The third photo is very touching. Yes, it seems like all that matters to those in power is the almighty dollar and not people in need. A sad state of affairs...
I do so appreciate your sharing the trip with Michael! Such a great thing for him and for all of you. I love your photos! As I have told you, I worked for some years with people with disabilities and while I'm thrilled at how far we have come from back then, I worry that it is becoming less important to many in government and I fear what will happen to many programs in the future. It's difficult for all of you, but the things you do together are so important in many ways to each of you! I hold good thoughts for all of you and do give Michael a big hug for me when you see him next! Thanks again, Martha, for sharing!
Thank you for posting about your family and the problems Michael and his parents face every day.
As for the state of the nation...hmmm. When large groups of people carry signs around insinuating that Socialism is a dirty word I worry a LOT! (And who says caring for others is Socialism, anyway?) Why is caring about the welfare of other people a horrible thing? OK. I'll climb down off my soapbox.
I also worry about where the country is heading with the new congress. It is so sad to me to see how little compassion there is. I know it must be challenging to travel with Michael but I'm sure is good for him. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
I'm sure Michael had a great time. I hope your post can reach the ears of those who have the power.
" I am very dissapointed in the direction our world is headed."
Me too.
Greediness is endless. We can't trust anybody. It's like we are all in a war zone - against - behalf. Life is not that simple. We have to compromise. Politicians should be more responsible, honest.
Thanks for sharing!
I'm going to jump onto that soapbox. Seeing pictures of Michael is a good reminder of what is happening to both our countries. The Canadian government, good friends with the party that just swept Congress in the US, is trying to do the same thing. They put through tax cuts for big industry and tell the rest of us we have to tighten our belts.
I could go on and on, but this isn't the place.
I love the San Diego Zoo and I'm pleased Michael went there and enjoyed as much of it as he did. It's good for us, Martha, to be reminded there are special people in the world, and it's not all about money, it's about love.
Hugs to Michael, his parents, and you.
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Hi, Martha
What a great time he looks like he's having with his mom! Great smiles on both their faces.
The lack of compassion for people who need extra help is mind-boggling. I worry that our individualistic spirit as Americans has also created apathy for the needs of our fellow citizens. And children yet!
Thinking of you,
Yes … compassion is not a priority for government in many countries. Organizations that once fulfilled the needs of people with various challenges are quickly eroding. But as your photos show, while governments can be cold, one-on-one moments of people sharing their time and love lives on. :)
Yet, I dare to say that there's much hope to be seen within your pictures, to be read between the lines.
Over here it is very rare that you see parents taking a walk with their kids if they have disabilities; within the six years living here, I saw about three parents.
A thoughtful, much needed entry of yours. Please have a good Tuesday you all.
daily athens
Michael's mother's loves shines! There is a genuine loving bond that has been captured in these special. I can imagine how much energy it takes to care for these kinds of special needs. Michael is loved and well cared for by his family...this is a sweet post and something for us all to think about...
Thanks for sharing your trip with Michael and his parents. Parents and grandparents (and aunts, uncles, etc) learn not to be to concentrated on outcomes. If you take him to one of the best zoos in the world and he doesn't like the animals, then you roll with the flow and go with what he does like.
I also worry about our compassion as a nation. I wonder if some of the new legislators have ever known somebody with disabilities.
Great post. Michael is lucky to have you as a Grandmother.
Michael is really growing! Is he interested in the surf - it seems he's looking out to sea? Looks like your trip was a good one, Martha.
Such lovely pictures. He looks as if he had a really great time!
hi looks like having fun, what a great pictures you shared.
More power to you.
E' meravigliosa l'immagine della mamma di Michael, mentre lo tiene per mano e si guardano con tanta dolcezza.
Forza mamma, sei meravigliosa !!!
Baci Myriam :))
Michael has grown so tall! Sweet pictures of Michael and mom. He is a very special kid.
It looks like he have a great time! This is a special kid:-)
wish you a blessed evening!
Great to know you all had a wonderful time... The pics were all beautiful!!
Have a great day:)
My Yatra Diary...
Really nice to see how Micheal and his parents are doing. Your photos speak volumes about love and compassion.
You ask some important questions. It is hard to even know who the "American people" are anymore.
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