Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Last Week's Bird Sightings in Lincoln Hills

I should never go out without a camera.  On one recent walk I spotted a downy woodpecker, not a common bird where we live.  I returned with the telephoto but of course, no luck.  Perhaps it was just passing through or just feeding in a different part of the woods.
I did spot this handsome Red Shouldered Hawk sitting on a post.
Then I headed to a different area where I had spotted some Ring Necked Ducks, a new one for my Life List.  There was one female and four drakes.  She will be busy if no other gals show up!
They stayed far away from the shore so  I had to zoom in and crop these shots.  I like the pattern on their bills.
Heading back to the car I saw another hawk sitting on a post about 15 feet away.  A Cooper's Hawk I think but if one of the more experienced birders were to tell me it is a Sharp Shinned I wouldn't argue, they are very similar.
He didn't seem bothered by my presence but took off when a golf cart came by.

See what other birders have to show at World Bird Wednesday, hosted for us by Springman.


Linda Reeder said...

I always thought ring necked ducks should really be called ring beaked. :-)
Great birding shots.


Impressionnant, le décollage. On sent que l'oiseau est en urgence.
Superbe photo,


Anonymous said...

I really like the lift-off shot. Those are difficult to get. Well done.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Thanks for a most enjoyable walk!

Unknown said...

Great walk and the shots are great!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

theconstantwalker said...

The last image is wonderful to see.. I have learnt over the years to always carry at least my little point and shoot.. I have loads of rubbish clips but they do recall some lovely moments.

Bill S. said...

Great images. I think it is a Coopers hawk. Your pictures are always a joy to look at and study.

joo said...

Superb post, and the last photo is stunning!

mick said...

Great sightings and photos. I think every bird photographer could agree that they have left their camera behind at the wrong time!

Carletta said...

Love the hawk shots! That first guy looks rather sweet. Not the adjective I'd usually use for a hawk.
I always carry my camera and my big one at that. :)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful ducks and the hawks shots are awesome. Have a great week and thanks for sharing.

holdingmoments said...

I love those hawks. Beautiful birds.

Gaelyn said...

Murphy will send the best if not carrying your camera. ;)

These are great shots. After seeing the Cooper's here I agree with that for yours. The white band on the tail. Nice shot of it taking off. You at least caught the whole bird when I got was feet.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, you have a sharp eye for your birds.

Judy said...

That red shouldered hawk looks like he is sitting for his portrait! I love all the details!
The other hawk is beautiful, too, but less cooperative...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots! It's really hard to identify some of the hawks.

Modesto Viegas said...

Great shots!!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

She better fly for her life if no other females show up (duck behavior is not always even R-rated from what I've seen a few times)......

Your pictures are stunning -- and yes, you should have that camera attached around your neck at all times!

Springman said...

Congratulations on the lifer!
Not taking a camera is a sure guarantee you will see something interesting. I hope you get another chance at that Downy soon.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Since my blog began with Red-shouldered Hawks, I must say, you got a beauty there! As for the other Hawk...looks like a Coopers. You are correct, they look so much like a Sharp Shinned which is a tad bit smaller, about the size of a Blue Jay. One of them has a bit of white scallop on end tail feathers, while the other looks more straight across...did I confuse you even more;) great post~

Janie said...

I love the hawk photos, especially the first one.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Very nice photos. How did you capture the last one, I mean he is about to take off. One can feel the enthusiasm
and the eagerness of the bird from the picture. Oh wow !