Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting Ready for the Eclipse!

Not the moon but the sun with a solar filter
We are getting ready for the annular eclipse on May 20.  When we found out that the path of the eclipse would take it within 50 miles of our home we ordered eclipse glasses and eclipse filters for our cameras.  Even at maximum an annular eclipse WILL damage eyes and cameras if not protected by lenses and filters designed for maximum protection.  Other parts of the country will experience a partial eclipse.
Be prepared, if you can't get viewing glasses or welder's glasses in time (try Amazon), look here for information on making a pin hole viewer.  If you left click your location on the map of the path you will see how much of the sun will be obscured and the time (in universal time) it will be at maximum.  
We need to explore north of Lincoln for the best viewing site and, of course, hope for clear skies on the 20th.

Find more views of the sky at SkyWatch, Friday, hosted for us by Sandy and Sylvia.


Linda Reeder said...

Thanks for the information links. It looks like we'll get about 85% beginning about noon.

Sylvia K said...

Awesome capture! Thanks for the information and links, Martha.

L. Neusiedler said...

wow, that will be one spectacular event!

Unknown said...

Great advice!! Thanks. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

biebkriebels said...

Oh, that is exciting to watch an eclips, hope you will be able to make a nice picture and put it on your blog.

Pat said...

Wow! That is an awesome shot, and how exciting that the path of the annular eclipse will be so close to us (I'm in the foothills in El Dorado County)!

Thanks for the info, Martha.

namaki said...

I can't wait to see your eclipse pictures !!!!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful capture! I be looking for to the eclipse event and your photos. Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

May 20 I will be back in the desert. Thanks for the heads-up. I wish it were a lunar eclipse though so I could stare at it.

Gaelyn said...

That's a nice orange moon. What kind of filter did you get for your camera? Been looking for info but can't find anything specific.

Ebie said...

This is an amazing shot of the moon! I am not sure if I will take photos, but I will be looking forward to see yours.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Awesome moon shot!!

TheChieftess said...

Wow!!! What a moon!!! What kind of lens do you need for an eclipse? I know not to look...but didn't think about camera lenses...

Carver said...

Great feature for skywatch.

DrillerAA said...

Very nice work. Happy Skywatching.

Unknown said...


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

No eclipse for us -- can't wait to see your pictures!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!

Sky Shots in Disney World, please come and see.

Aiketa said...

I didn't know there would be an eclipse... I just checked and in Europe it won't happen.
Get ready and take many pictures to share here.

I’m visiting from SkyWatch Friday. Here’s My Sky.

Regards from Barcelona.

Janie said...

Beautiful sun photo. Sounds like you'll be well prepared for the eclipse.

Pearl Maple said...

The moon has been providing a great show for us this week, thanks for sharing

Tammie Lee said...

yes i look forward to the eclipse

Tammie Lee said...

yes i look forward to the eclipse

LindyLouMac said...

I had not heard about this so guess it is only in the USA, so will be looking forward to your photos.