Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Amzing World

I've been ill, though I seem to be on the mend I'm still not up to being creative.  So, this week I offer you the work of others.  I'm sure many have seen  this amazing video

 posted to You Tube by Sanctuary Asia.  If you haven't, please take time to view it. The first part will gladden your heart, the second part will break it.

See more of our amazing world at Our World, Tuesday.


Sylvia K said...

I have been wondering about you, Martha, and have missed your posts! I'm so very sorry you've been ill and hope you're definitely on the mend! These are terrific and you're right they both gladden and break your heart! Get well soon and I'll be holding good thoughts for you!!


Anonymous said...

Great video. Thanks for sharing it. Did not know Joan Root had been killed. Will have to look into that. Take care and hang in there.

Unknown said...

Hope you're on track soon!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Barb said...

Hope you're soon feeling better, Martha. Happy belated Birthday!

Snap said...

Hope you are feeling better.

Janie said...

Such a lovely but heartbreaking video. So sad that those defenders of the earth were murdered.
I'm sorry you've been ill. Hope you will be feeling back to your usual creative self soon.

eileeninmd said...

Great video, thanks for sharing. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I will look at the video in a minute; just wanted to say welcome back. I've been worried about you -- and missed you! Almost sent a note but didn't want to be nagging.

Hope you feel better soon!!!

Indrani said...

Hi, Take care. Thanks for this great video.

Gaelyn said...

Thank you for sharing this moving piece. Is it any wonder more people refuse to help this troubled world.