A wet winter has gowned California in emerald sprinkled with gems of many colors. Before it could return to its "Golden State" of brown grasses we headed over to the coast and Point Reyes National Seashore.
Told that the Chimney Rock trail was a good place to see wildflowers, that was where we headed. It didn't disappoint.
Blue gems were the Lupine, Douglas Iris and Blue eyed grass.

Among the yellows were, of course, plenty of California Poppies along with Mule Ears and Yellow Bush Lupine.

To represent the pinks we saw Checkerbloom, Cow Clover and Beach Morning Glory.
I mustn't forget the Indian Paintbrush.
This is a sampling of what we saw on one of several walks we took. I'll show you more of Point Reyes in another post.
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Our World Tuesday
It's looking lovely!
What a colourful range of wildflowers.
How beautiful our spring has is this year.
Beautiful flowers!
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