Howard Jarvis. That's what's wrong with California!
I know, Howard Jarvis is dead but unfortunately his legacy lives on. Jarvis and his followers managed to convince the good citizens of California that taxes are bad and government is evil. Nothing could be further from the truth. I will admit that in the days of the infamous “prop 13” property taxes had gotten out of hand. The solution was extreme and they continue with the “no new taxes” litany oblivious to the consequences.
We need government.
We need it to build roads and patrol them. We need it to supervise industry and yes even our financial institutions, to protect our water, our air, our food.
We need good schools we can’t all afford to send our children to private schools.
We need a social safety net in case we lose our jobs and health insurance (hard to believe that that could happen). We need Medi-Cal to care for the indigent elderly who have lost their life savings or never earned enough to provide for their old age.
We need CalOSHSA to protect our safety at work.
We need government to license drivers to make sure they are competent and insured.
We need courts to protect our person, our rights and even our wealth and our ability to see it passed to those we choose after our death.
Californians are a caring and generous people who have passed many initiatives for what the majority has believed to be worthwhile programs. Unfortunately, a minority blocks the ability of the state to pay for these programs. No one likes to pay taxes but the alternative is disaster. We are not selfish, we are not greedy, but we have been sold a “bill of goods” by those who are. It is time to tell those who worship at the altar of Howard Jarvis to go away. They are not looking out for the interests of California.
It was never my intention that this be a political blog. I would rather show what is wonderful and beautiful about my home state and even occasionally other parts of this great county. But I am getting increasingly frustrated and I wanted to vent.