This garden begins as a neatly manicured garden with grass pathways.

It features a variety of sculptures by regional artists.

Further along, as the pathways lead to the sea one finds specialized collections. I enjoyed the varies colors and textures in the heather garden.

There were several beds that featured succulents.

The garden continued to become ever more natural until I reached the headland.

Here things were left in there natural state or were in the process of being returned to a natural state.

We sat for a whaile and gazed out at the sea before heading back on a different path.
Back near the entrance they had a little food stand where we got one of the best malts ever.
The gardens are spectacular, but it's hard to beat Mother Nature! My husband would be up for one of those malts - his favorite.
Thanks for my nature fix! I always look forward to seeing what shots you will share with us. Again, just stunning pics. You have a real eye for photography!
I love botanical gardens and this looks like a good one.
I love going to botanical gardens. This one looks calm and peaceful with plenty of natural beauty. Great shots :-)
I'm finally catching up on your blog, and glad to see you've been busy. I especially loved the bottle tree (such trees are inspiration for the "bottle fence" I posted about on the Cabinet a few weeks ago). I tend to agree with Barb, that the natural stuff is best, but every now and then it's nice to visit something tamer. It's probably a control thing (although too much of that is definitely not a good thing). Thanks for the nice views of a garden I'll probably never otherwise see.
What a great place. I love botanical gardens.
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