Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jekyll Island Sky Shot

This is an archive shot. With the holidays I have been short on time (hosted 25 tonight for a sit down dinner but had lots of help from guests).
We went to a photography Elderhostel (now called Exporitas) on Jekyll Island a few years ago. I got lots of great sunrise and sunset shots so you will probably see more in the future.

Find more skies at Sky Watch Friday, hosted for us by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia.


Sylvia K said...

Well, this one is stunning, Martha, fantastic colors! And I'll look forward to more of the same! Love Jekyll Island! Spent a fun vacation there years ago!

Glad you had help with the dinner party! Sounds like a fun time! Have a great weekend!


Carolyn Ford said...

I need to Google "Jekyll Island." This is fabulous!

Ingrid said...

That's the kind of sky I adore !

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great all around photograph. The colors, the reflections wonderful.

Rick said...

Beautifully composed photo of one of my favorite places, Jekyll Island. Wish I was there now!

Sharkbytes said...

I always like these silhouette kinds of pictures. I know they are pretty easy to get, but that just means that lots of people can enjoy the beauty, right!

Loran said...

Keep posting these, no way of getting tired of seeing beautiful shots like this.

Gaelyn said...

Martha, that is gorgeous.

Barb said...

Hi Martha, Twenty-five for dinner!!!! I hope you're resting today. Great sunset photo from your archives.

Owlfarmer said...

Lovely picture, Martha. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one drawing from the archives this week. Time seems to be at a premium for many reasons these days. Happy Friday--and don't work yourself silly!

fredamans said...

So gorgeous!!

storyteller said...

Looking at your gorgeous photo explains why my traveling friends love Jekyll Island so much ... it's a beautiful place indeed! I've shared reflected warm beach sunset views taken this past week at Happily Retired Gal and the 'real views' at Sacred Ruminations this week.
Hugs and blessings,

Diane AZ said...

Wow, stunning sunrise and the plants in the foreground frame it nicely. I had to Google Jekyll Island too, looks like a beautiful place. Hope your dinner party was fun!

Annie said...

What a beautiful shot! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Good to read a few of your other posts too. Thanks for visiting my skies this week!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous colors and skywatch photo!

Pearl Maple said...

Stunning views from there, how lucky for you to enjoy it while doing a photography event.

A Blog In The Rough said...

Wonderful picture! Great to look at archived pictures especially when it's cold outside.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Really great shot!!! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice SWF.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a beautiful sky...