That's my World, Tuesday
One of our favorite bike routes takes us through the nearby 12 Bridges preserve near our home. This is a lovely ride and takes us through several different habitats. It is not without its hazards though.
I have not yet seen a rattlesnake on our ride but I have seen king snakes and racers. I'm sure the rattlers are around someplace.

The several interconnected wild land corridors within the 12 Bridges development provide a rich habitat that is enjoyed by the residents, both the human kind and the native wild species.
There are more worlds to see at That's my World Tuesday, hosted for us each week by Klaus, Sandy Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia
I don't suppose anything is the same as when Muir saw it. Probably more rattlers then too. Glad that the vernal pools are being protected. They play such an important role to so much wildlife. Nice place for a ride.
What a great place. Thanks for taking us along. I've seen lots of rattlesnakes yet none in areas with signs like the one you show.
Beautiful walk Martha. It really is kind of Paradise there where you live! (Including the snake even ;>).
Yesterday I talked to a woman who will not walk in the nature area next door because she is afraid of snakes. (There are wooden walkways.) I feel sorry for her. It isn't as if they lie in wait to ambush you -- just keep your eyes and ears open!
What beautiful scenery you always have in your world Martha! I'm glad you didn't run across any of those snakes..
12 Bridges Preserve looks like a wonderful place explore. Glad there is an effort to save the vernal ponds. :)
While this is a beautiful place, just the idea that snakes are populating this place makes me run the other way and fast :D Just too scared of snakes.
Have a lovely week.
I enjoy seeing the wildflowers that grow on your side of the Rockies. They are often so different from what we have here in Ontario. In fact, most of the landscape in your photos look quite different from my area. :)
That's a beautiful nature preserve. Thank you for showing it to us through your photographs and words.
Lovely place, martha. I some places it looks like the Everglades, no? :)
What an interesting trip you have shown us. I would not have known about any of those things without reading them here on your blog.
Thanks for the tour! Your photos are as delightful as always! Love the ones of the flowers! Looks as though you had a lovely trip! Have a great week, Martha!
i'm enjoying what you are posting today from your world, love the wildflower tour in the central valley.
thanks for sharing this and have a great week!
A nice ride of photos and I hope you never will come across the rattlesnakes :)
John Muir saw so much that isn't around these days like it was...land development surely changed things in a huge way. What is left is definitely a sight to behold and worth preserving. 12 Bridges...that must be a wonderful area to ride bicycles.
Beautiful spot and thanks for the journey. Wildflowers can be so beautiful - wonderful shot. I don't think however that I would like to see any snakes :D
Whenever there would be a wonder happening, this sight and pond surely looks like the place to be. Please have you all a wonderful Tuesday.
daily athens
Can't imagine an encounter there. The shots are truly beautiful.
Your bike trail looks great!
Your gold nugget flower looks so much like Utah's state flower, the Sego Lily (except the sego lily is white, or sometimes pink.) They're both Calochortus, so I guess that explains it.
What a beautiful area you live in Martha. I am sure the wetlands attract lots of people taking pictures of the birds found there.
I never got up to Yosemite during my travels around the USA which is a pity. It has always been on my list to see the next time I visit.
It looks absolutely gorgeous and wild!
Lucky you - so much natural beauty near your home!
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