Here I have gotten a bit ahead of my narrative but Morro Bay is much better than Pinnacles for watery photos.

Here is another photo of the lazy sea otter. It's not as good a picture of the otter as my earlier post but I like the reflection of the boats in the water.

More boats at the marina with reflections.

I don't think this is the same boat as was in the movie but you never know. It is certainly colorful!
For more Water Wednesday photos, click
Hi, Martha
These are spectacular! I've not yet posted to WW but I read your comment for one of my entries to another meme (can't remember which one!) and came by to say hello and thanks for stopping by!
PS. That is quite an adventurous looking rock climbing photo. My first husband was intensely into climbing and I was a climbing widow! ;-)
Beautiful reflections!
Aw, I saw only: that otter is too cute!!! Why do otters melt my heart so much? Don't know why, just that they do! Sooooooo cute! :-D You could post an otter every day and I would not get tired of them!
I missed the otter last time, so I'm glad you caught him again.
Love the second picture!!!
lovely photos, never seen a sea otter before...
Gill in Canada
Great photos. My favourite is the otter. He looks so at ease and at home.
I like the reflections. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Sydney City and Suburbs
Excellent shots Martha, the second one is my favourite.
Hope your having a great week!
Regina In Pictures
Great series of photos. Guess I'm the odd one out, I like the African Queen best. Perhaps it's because I loved the movie.
Nebraska Birding
beautiful series of photos, love the reflections. thanks for the visit..
Hi, the first photo is very nice, like a watercolor painting!
Very interesting scenes...thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
I used to do research on sea otters in Washington State and in the Aleutian Islands. They are among my favourites of the sea.
I'm really loving that second shot. Very cool!
gorgeous reflections.
Keep posting.....
I sure like the reflections too - that otter looks like he's having a good time too!!!
He is sooooo cute. Many yrs ago, we spend 2 1/2 hrs watching the otters play at the Monteray Aquarium. First they were chasing each other, then came feeding time - they are like puppies of the ocean. Another lovely group of photos.
yup, you have clear beautiful reflection. They are beautiful.
Very nice. I really like how glassy the water looks.
Hi Martha :)
These are excellent photos taken with great expertise and skill.
Otter is something which we never see in our part of the world. He appears to be happy in the water and not even worried that a stranger is taking his photo. Perhaps he is used to humans. The shadows and light reflecting in the water in the first photo is very special and unique.
In the third photo the boat is named African Queen. I wonder what made the owner give that name to the boat. May be he has some fond memories of Africa.
Have a nice day, Martha :)
Those reflections are a feast for the eyes. I also enjoyed the photos in the posts below. They are lovely.
love the second photo...beautiful reflections.
Your profile photo is so inspiring!
Silhouette of a Temple of Dwarka
The sea otter looks as if it hasn't a care in the world, and I find the reflections in the water mesmerizing.
All of these photos are wonderful. I also enjoyed viewing the rest of your blog. Thanks for visiting.
I really like the reflections of the boats that you've captured. Thanks for visiting my site.
Wow,I love that second photo. So neat and I love the reflections.
I found you thrugh Lilac gate. I love your photos and you and I live close enough to be distant neighbors. I grew up in Atascaderao and Morro Bay and my son and I take trips to Monterey often. I'm not as enamored of the otters as others may be mostly becasue they are very destructive little guys in that they strip the area they live in of all rock fish, ie: abalone. They are actually more to blame for the lack of abalone on the west coast than people. I grew up spending Saturday early mornings on the beach while my parents dug for clams and my dad dove for abalone and fish. Now you have to go north of Mendocino to dive for abalone and it's not for the faint of heart. The rocky shores and wild waves can be deadly for anyone other than a very strong swimmer. You probably don't want me to go on and on about otters. Sorry.
I do like your blog and enjoyed the photos of your trip. I haven't been "home" in a long time so the photos of Morro Bay, the Rock and Carissa Plains was comforting to me.
lovely reflections!
What a great shot of the otter, I love Morro bay, we were even there in time for the whale watch. What great memories thanks for posting them!
Please visit my submission to Watery Wednesday at
Thank you for the interesting article on otters and abalone. It is definately a new perspective on the otter -v- abalone conflict. Thank you for visiting my blog- please come again!
Otters are some of my favorite animals.
They are so cute!
That boat is just lovely :D
Lovely views, thanks for sharing.
Great photos with lots of nice reflections
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