My Watery Wednesday contribution this week is Hidden Falls in Hidden Falls Regional Park near Auburn, California.
That's my only watery shot, the rest of the post shows some of the other sights in this park.

Mid winter usually is the end of our fog and low clouds. Unless there is a storm we can expect high clouds and blue skies.
Blogger is being difficult and this shot won't enlarge so you will have to take my word for it, there is a coyote on the hill below the oak which is standing alone on the ridge.

It seemed to have injured its hind leg and was limping.

Bright red berries adorned the native Toyon.

Recent rain and fog cause the moss to swell to a beautiful emerald green.

I love the smooth red bark of the Manzanita.

I'd never seen this bright orange fungus before.

I don't know what caused the interesting pattern on this stump, maybe another fungus. There was quit a variety growing here, the others were not as attractive.
The colours, shapes and designs you show here are quite beautiful. Thanks!
Great photos! I love the madrone (such great trees, one of my favorite) and the fungus.Cool textures too..might be from old worm action, i think?
Great post, sounds like a lot of fun (too bad the coyote was limping though)
One could nearly hear the water falling.
Beautiful as well the following photographies - must have been a wonderful air to breath, thank you time and again for the much needed little escapes.
A wonderful Wednesday for you all.
Great tip. I love parks (nat'l, regional, state etc) and I'll keep this in mind.
Each photo is amazing, Martha. I love the moss and the fungus. What a great visit to Hidden Falls!
Great set of shots, it is a pretty waterfalls and I love the shots of the fungus. Cool capture of the Coyote.
What a beautiful park. Lovely waterfall, great coyote sighting. I think the patterns on the wood are from insects. I really like the red twisted bark of the Manzanita, we have those also. Great captures Martha.
The fungus is amazing! I can't decide if it's beautiful or creepy...really great capture. How exciting to not only see a coyote but to get its photo too. I am never quick enough to do that. That manzanita is so unique. The smooth red bark is so pretty.
Ah, the beauty of nature! Lovely texture shots on the fungi.
I bet it was a long hike to be able to see the waterfalls. Hehehe, we hiked to Darwin Falls but did not proceed further to see the real falls, only reached the creek.
I love all the photos and especially the coyote.
How beautiful it all is, even in the middle of winter. Wonderful shots!
Lovely and amazing and captures.
beautiful area....i love waterfalls, but that coyote photo takes my breath away.
My Wednesday post is OCEAN TIDE. I'd love you to visit!! Have a great day.
That's a nice waterfall shot! Looks cool from that angle too!
Happy Watery Wednesday!
Lovely waterfall and marvelous outdoor photos ... you could definitely link this with A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday too. You can find her link in today's post at Sacred Ruminations. Love the shot of the coyote (hope it's okay) and the moss on the rock especially. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
We're having lovely weather, too.
The waterfall, the red Manzanita trunk and the fungus. All so different, yet so beautiful.
We went there on a "watery Tuesday" after some recent rains and shot photos and video of Hidden Falls and the rapids on Coon Creek.
Hiking at Hidden Falls Regional Park 29march2011
Hidden Falls Park photo and video gallery - Placer County.
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