I have been asked how a couple, both raised in big cities came to live in Bishop, a small town in a remote area of California?
Before I answer that question, I think I should answer another one.
How did a Jewish boy from Bronx, New York

They tore down the small garage and built a new one with a large space next to it for Dad's shop. As often happens with such projects they expanded the original idea and put a studio apartment behind the garage/shop. They built it with the help of a carpenter they knew and Mom did the finish work in the little apartment. That is the door to Dad's shop Jules is standing in front of.
A few years later a young man came buy, fresh out of NYU engineering school, looking for a place to live. He looked harmless, he had his elderly aunt with him. My parents decided to rent the apartment to him in spite of their earlier determination to rent only to women since I was 12 and my sister 17.
Mom liked to take in strays and soon the young man was asked to join my dad for his evening dish of ice cream and glass of wine. Then he was invited to Sunday dinner preceded by a game of bridge. I was taught to play so they could have a fourth.
Then he and his aunt were invited for Thanksgiving. Eventually he joined me and my parents on some camping trips.
I love your love story! Very sweet!
I just love stories like this.
a very sweet story :)
I love the photos
Great story! And photos too.
What a lovely story Martha. Funny how life works out sometimes.
1.5 hours til liftoff.
Thanks for filling us in--but I hope you're going to continue the story at some point. You two seem to have a lovely life, in a beautiful place--the stuff of memoirs.
What a lovely beginning ... your story reminds me a bit of my own. I'm looking forward to future installments ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations
I love your story. It is always interesting to hear how people were brought together. BTW, my cousin and her husband live in Bishop, having moved there from Santa Barbara. They absolutely love living in Bishop.
excellent post! (ps, i LOVE Bishop so much!)
Enjoyable post, great pictures, looking forward to more of the story.
Wonderfu story, I love the wedding photo - you were a beautiful bride!
Martha, that was a great story and I love your scanned pictures. I've tried to do a bit of that without anywhere near the success you've achieved with this post. Great job; thanks for sharing. You two made and make a perfect couple.
Sweet story! You two look great together and so happy. I hope we'll hear more. =)
Such a lovely story. I always love "how we met" stories especially when the results are of an enduring love.
How impressive to read, provides one with hope.
Please have you all a nice Tuesday.
p.s.:for me, I met my wife in the www.
What a wonderful story! It was meant to be, :)
Great story! I love hearing life stories I know through blogging. We keep up day to day, but we don't share a history.
Love the early pictures of you and Jules. Wasn't it a wonder what we did with our hair in those days?
But I never did figure out what brought that boy from the Bronx to California.
What a great story, Martha! I'm glad I didn't miss it - I'm catching up with you.
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