I haven't participated in this meme before as I don't usually have pictures of critters other than birds.

Yesterday while we were having breakfast we saw a man walking behind our yard laying out fencing. We knew we were in for some entertainment. The organic lawn mowers were back.

Each spring they bring in herds of sheep and goats to clear the vegetation in the open areas. Every one enjoys watching the antics of the young ones. If they have grandchildren near by it is certain that they will come visit.

When the kids nurse their little tails go back and forth so fast they become a blur in my shots.

More critter shots can be found
So precious!
They sure beat a gas guzzling lawn mower :) So very pretty, the green grass & all, much better than all of the snow we have in Pa
I love it. Nice photographs.
I want these lawn mowers! What a fun sight to see!!!
Sweet little grass munchers! Looks like they have plenty of green stuff to eat. Adorable pictures.
Martha: Wonderful photos of the munchers.
what a wonderful scenery. They are beautiful animals.
Green Iguana
Neat photos of all these guys! My parents are selling some of their sheep & on the flyer, my mom posted that she hasn't had to mow since she got them, therefore, saving money on expensive gas & maintenance on equipment. heheheee!
A very warm thank you for this peaceful sight, which reminds me so much of home, especially the background, compared to Athens, Greece you might see the difference.
A wonderful Sunday for you all.
Martha, I can't believe the size of the herd - the grass should be "trimmed" in no time!
How lucky you were, to be able to catch that cute sight! Love that blurry tail wag! If that kid could talk, it would probably be saying "mmmmmmmmmmmmm!"
I love these organic lawnmowers, very cute photos! Love the little ones, so cute!
I love your organic lawn mowers, they are so cute. Nice someone puts up fence to keep them out of yards. Very different.
Beautiful photos, especially the last one is very sweet and precious :-)
What MARVELOUS photos ... love that you call them organic lawn mowers. Those last two photos are precious indeed.
Hugs and blessings,
We have "rent-a-goats" here in Seattle too. They are often used to clean out blackberry bramble.
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