No Mr. Linky this week as we are off exploring new territory. I left this for those who might happen by anyway.

When we moved to Lincoln five years ago the only library was this small Carnegie Library. It may have been adequate at one time but Lincoln has grown and something new was needed.

They broke ground on this shortly after we moved. It has at least 20 computers and a state of the art self check-out. The site is eventually to house a high school and community college satellite. I hope that when they are built they suit the site as well.

The building sits on the edge of a seasonal wetland and only the areas right against the building are landscaped and this is mostly unmowed grasses and a few low water, well mulched plants. The glass in these cubes is heavily tinted and faces north and east. The clerestory windows have fixed awnings. This allows maximum light with minimum heat.

This is the south west exposure, few windows and much masonry.

And I like the sculpture, too.
I enjoy this library and visit often.
I love libraries - I actually visited every library in each little town we stayed in when we biked across the country a few years ago. I also visit our local library often. You're lucky to have a new, modern one!
It looks like a great, well suited building.
Nice library. I like that sculpture!!
I love the Carnegie libraries and their classic architecture, grew up (intellectually) in one in Bradford PA. But at least your new library has a solid modernist beauty of its own, not the crappy mall architecture that is so prevalent in most new public structures.
The old Carnegie Library looks charming, but I can understand why a growing community would need something bigger and more modern. That's a great idea to have awnings on the upper windows. I like that sculpture too.
I love this post. It is a good thing that new library was built. For me, this is one of modernized library while the first one is the classic one.
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