We drove down from the cabin hoping for some great shots of the tufa towers. When we got to the overlook it was obvious that on this day the storm clouds not the tufas were the story.

Unusual for May, a monsoonal flow had move in from the southwest.

Many great pictures have been taken of these formations with sunlight shinning on them but sunlight was in short supply this day.

We'll be back, it is only 20 minutes from the cabin and besides, the birding will be better in summer and fall.

For more information on Mono Lake, check out Wiki
For more great sky shot, click
What neat photos!!
I think they are wonderful and mysterious photos. There is a lot to be said for stormy clouds:)
Wow Martha these are awesome,the 3rd one is definately my favourite.
Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures
These are so beautiful - heavy clouds like this really create a special atmosphere.
I was there last year and I have almost identical photo of the first one. I want to return because we didn't go to the south end I think where the tufas are.
What a beautiful place, Martha! Wonderful, mysterious, awesome shots! Have a great weekend!
Interesting skies you've had. I love those rocks too.
Wow, it looks like another world. Great sky photos and the tufa towers look fascinating too!
Martha, these are beautiful photos. I like all of them! I love the large dramatic clouds.
Hi Martha,
I've never heard of these formations. I look forward to more photos. Your pictures enlarge dramatically! So much beauty nearby you.
Well, you made some great pictures of the formations in the cloudiness.
We stopped at Mono Lake after coming over Tioga Pass. A strange and beautiful place. We experienced a summer thunder storm there.
Hello Martha, thank you for giving me a preview of Mono Lake. What a beauty. We will be driving this Saturday to Mammoth Lakes, and it is one of our itinerary.
Great shots of the stormy skies! Almost makes the tufa tower shot look monochrome. I also liked your posts of Calaveras. You live in a beautiful part of this world!
Fantastic snaps of these formations.
Martha, each image is wonderful!
I've been to Mono Lake once, a sunny day, but I have to say I like your cloudy day shots far better - much more interesting. :)
Brilliant shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Beautiful sights that speak the mood of the sky.
You turn the grey sky into a great landscape photography.
Have a great weekend!
beautiful set. i love the changing cloud formations.
Thanks for sharing the scenery of Mono Lake with us. We are scheduled for a photographic tour to the lake this fall. Looking forward to it.
What a beautiful lake and skies.
The pictures drew me right in. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
What a gorgeous place and you took some stunning photographs.
Ok; now I'm really homesick. 20 minutes to Mono Lake from your cabin? Will you adopt me?
Thanks for these lovely pictures. Now I'll have to go look through my own stash to see if I've got anything nearly as good. Stormy skies always make great subjects, but with the tufa you get a double whammy--great texture, too. Happy SWF!
Great pictures! Your profile picture is impressive as well.
Nice series of cloudscapes, it can be tough to capture gray skies, yours came out great!
As if taken from (the novels!) of Lord of the Rings! I don't remember there being much water, but the ambiance is just right! Lovely skywatch, enjoyed from the comfort of one's home :-)
All four lovely, but the second and last I particularly like.
WOW .... AWESOME photos...
I really like that third one...
More amazing skies! The last two photos remind me of science fiction landscapes~or perhaps lunar scapes. Very nice.
Superb view!
WOW! These are some exceptional shots of the sky! Love the variations in color!
They are amazing. I've always wanted to visit Mono lake, what a photo heaven. And thanks for stopping by.
Nice shot of Mono Lake!
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