Here is my SkyWatch photo. As I hiked back down the Mist Trail I looked back and saw the crescent moon and the first clouds of a storm that moved in later that night.

If you want to see the rest of my hike and the rainbow at the end of the trail, click on the heading at the top of the page.
If you want to see more great sky shots, click
That´s a nice photo for a SWF!Thank you for sharing!Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful and peaceful photo Martha, perfect for SWF.
Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures
Nice photo for Sky Watch Friday. Thanks for taking us all on tour with you to such a beautiful place.
I like those barely there clouds against the blue sky. It's all blue skies here in the Bay Area today.
Absolutely lovely capture ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Is it the moon in your nice sky? Have a nice Friday :)
Great shot!
Absolutely beautiful! great shot! Happy SWF! and have a great weekend.
So calm. Beautiful photo!!!
Have a nice weekend
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then
You can really feel the outer space when the moon shows itself during the day.
beautiful wisps of clouds, blue sky and a pale crescent moon will go a long long way for us to admire.
The cloud patterns in the sky are fascinating, almost hypnotic. I enjoyed your post showing the rest of the hike as well.
Nice photo I would have tried to frame the moon higher in the sky. It looks great as it is though.
I cannot recall seeing the cresent of the moon that way round on the skies (have I not been paying attention..?!?) I remember well, though, how it's been like a dish, or like a smile, the other way round. Does the moon show different angles of itself on different parts of world, or does it alway look the same all over the world..?
I'm so happy to find another 'soulmate', someone who cares about nature & conservation.
Nice sky watch photo. I love the crescent moon and the blue sky, they are so beautiful. Have a nice day..
Love the gently deceiving clouds coming in to obscure the moon. Amazing how quicklt they accumulate.
Fantastic shot! Love moon and blue sky photos.
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