Yosemite is a great place for shadows. This quiet path links Mirror Lake to the Village.

Did you spot the bear? He took off when he saw us coming but another hiker said she had walked with the bear for a ways. Other, less adventurous hikers, turned around. We continued on, alert.
Yikes - I see the bear, Martha - he was pretty close to you! I haven't encountered any here yet, but I know they must be out of hibernation. I took all the bird feeders inside about 2 weeks ago - don't want to draw them to the house, though they come into the yard anyway.
Yikes is right!! I love Yosemite! Have been there several times! Thanks for the great shots! Happy SSS!
I see him! You are very brave to continue with your travels! Lovely shadowy shot. Thanks heaps for joining in Shadow Shot Sunday :)
You REALLY kept going? I'd have been scared to death! Hope to visit Yosemite someday!
I don't think I'd want to be that close either..But what a great shot!!
Great shot!
I just keep finding Marthas lately! Us Marthas have to stick together ;-)
great shadow shot!
Wow! How awesomely cool! I'm glad you pointed him out and I clicked to see the larger version. Lovely photo with or without the bear but he sure adds something special. Where I lived before moving into my house one of my friends used to walk her dog early in the mornings and she had regular encounters with bears. I always envied her that experience.
The bear must've been lurking in the shadows...
Wow! How exciting, if a bit scary. I live in the UK and have not visited Yosemite but would love to. Hope I see a bear too if I do!
Oh my, a bear in the shadows! Glad you were alert.
Paz ;-)
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