I walked around Bishop City Park while Hubby napped in the Van. I noticed that the shrubs were casting shadows on the stream bed.

I wondered, what would happen if I used the polarizing filter on the shot?

The shadows disappeared and were replaced by reflections. It also made the greens darker and more blue. The first photo is close to what my eyes saw.
Wow! The filter does wonders for that photo Martha!!
Hi Martha,
I just bought a polarizing filter about a month ago - I'm still experimenting, but do like the rich blues and the water shots I get with it. (I hate changing the filters, though!) Your shot is lovely, and I like the comparison you make.
Great shadow shots this week! I haven't played around much with filters. It really makes a difference!
Martha from Managerie :-)
That's a great comparison study, amazing what a little piece of glass can do. Happy SSS!
It is amazing to me what all can be done with optical technology.
I like the fragility of the second photo, with the blue instead of the mud of the river bed above. A very interesting study!
Wow, I'm still starting out with my photography, finally got a good camera...I don't even know what a polarizing filter is...but wow, it can do amazing things! Great shot :)
Hye - that's pretty cool - what a great experiment!
Incredible what the filter can achieve! Beautiful play of shadow and water reflection!
The second photo is just beautiful.
I haven't used a filter since I went digital- what an interesting experiment! I love the complexity of the second shot.
Oh my goodness! I guess it's time to start playing around with my filters. The differnce is amazing. Thanks for sharing ... and for your comment on my shadow shot!
Really interesting...amazing what a difference the filter makes. Nice shots.
Thanks I learnt something new..I will try that next time :)
The second shot just calls to me, it looks like a place of peace with no pollution clouding it's serenity. I like alot!
lovely nature shots...
What great shots before and after the filter! Just beautiful--and I enjoyed your blog so much! I'll visit often. :D Thanks for your comment on my SSS too.
I also love the way you have shown both the filter and non filter versions. I can't wait to get a real camera one day so that I can take cool pictures like those!
Have a nice day!
Wow, interesting experiment and sharp observation. I like both photos.
Looks like a very blissful walk, great shadows too.
Great shadow shots and how interesting to see the differences in the two pictures!
Very nice shadow shots. I really like the filtered one. Good art.
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