Monday, July 18, 2011

Why I Love Our Roadtrek

We camp with a van conversion, sometimes they are called a "caravan".  It is small, built on the body of a 15 passenger Chevy van and it can go almost anywhere.
We had no trouble making this sharp turn into a campground on the Klamath River but the driver of this large motorhome had a problem.  She didn't turn wide enough and her hitch caught on the asphalt.

We all waited while a tow truck operator banged out some asphalt and jacked up the coach until the driver was able to make the turn.

It was well worth the wait, though.  It turned out that a female Gray Whale and her calf had taken up residence in the river right by the campground.  More about that tomorrow.

 That was part  of my world last week.  For more views of our world check out
That's My World, Tuesday, hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren and Sylvia


Anonymous said...

Oh so many times I have seen similar incidents with these huge whales. And I just sit there loving my View all the more, especially while at the filling station knowing (and smiling) I got 3 times more miles to the gallon than that behemouth over there. I like how this affair turned into an opportunity that you may have otherwise missed. I look forward to your Gray Whale post.

Sylvia K said...

When my kids were small we had motor home -- although not as big as this one. It was a great way to travel with four children though and, of course, the price of gas was next to nothing compared to today. I'm glad this resulted in your being able to see something wonderful that you might have missed otherwise! Great post as always, Martha! Enjoy your day!


Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of ever remembering experience.

Barb said...

That's a monster motor home! I can't imagine maneuvering it. Looking forward to the whale photos, Martha!

Gaelyn said...

There certainly are advantages to camping in a small rig. But maybe the driver of this MH needs some lessons. How embarrassing.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Of course you know you are preaching to choir in our case! That's a place where we could NEVER have put the fifth-wheel (we wouldn't have tried), but like yours, our road trek would be so comfortable. I wish ours would have been there -- can't wait to hear about the gray whale.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - you cant help but laugh at the huge bus - now that I have kids I miss the times I travelled with no more than I could carry!

Less really is more most of the time!

Stewart M - Australia

Arija said...

It just goes to show that when you have patience, you so often are rewarded with something quite spectacular.

Unknown said...

i wonder how man people travel in this bus. they could be rock stars!:p

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am doing this on a smallish laptop without wearing my glasses as a lazy vain pot. I kept looking at your futuristic car until I realise it was the side of the bus.

Jenny Woolf said...

We once hired a great big RV like this on a trip to the US. It was a nightmare to drive. I think you need to tow a small car behind!