Sunday, November 27, 2011

Silly Goose!

We haven't been getting very far from home lately so my photography has been limited to my own community.  Fortunately, I can usually find something to shoot (with camera).  With photography in mind, we went to one of the ponds and found some very obliging birds.
I hope you enjoyed this look at my part of our world.  See more of our world at
Graciously hosted for us each week by
Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy


Sylvia K said...

Priceless! And thank you, Martha, you have made my evening and it has been a bit of a "downer day", so the laugh is much appreciated! I love talking geese! Clever, fun post!


Anonymous said...

I am one not easily amused by captions accompaning photos but you did real good here. Nicely done. :)

Lew said...

Great series of images! And the captins are ilarious.

eileeninmd said...

Cute captions and photos, have a great day!

Gaelyn said...

Such silly geese. Nice job.

Jeannelle said...

Clever photo story!

Barb said...

This series is great, Martha - esp. the wise goose!

Penelope Notes said...

This really gave me a chuckle, Martha! Thanks for splashing some laughter into my day. :)

Carver said...

Fun shots of the geese and I love the words you put in their mouths.

Unknown said...

Fun post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Snap said...

Great series full of fun! Thanks for the smile!

Jim said...

Fun set of shots. Great post.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

One said...

That's really cute of the goose to do a somersault. I've been observing ducks. They do all those silly things too except that last bit.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You are very clever with your captions. The best blog posts tell a story. Yours does that.

Stewart M said...

Very silly and very funny!

I like it.

Stewart M - Australia

Arija said...

Ha, ha , he must have seen kayakers doing victory rolls!
Great shots Martha.

PS I often do tree impersonations.

Anna said...

Great serie and I loved it!!
Greetings from a sunny Holland,

Raine said...

Rotfl. Yeah, pretend that they don't know each other. Great fun!

Ingrid said...

Hahahaha ! that's a nice Goose cartoon !

Francisca said...

What an adorable series! :-D

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh that's so funny! Excellent

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, I DID enjoy it, Martha. Your post made me smile wide. :)

Linnea said...

Very funny! Clearly, you can read minds! :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's too darn cute Martha!! (You really don't need to travel to have interesting blogposts!).. Hope things are going well.

Eden said...

Hahahaha.. Love this post so much. Great shots.

Judy said...

I have never seen a goose roll in the water so that both feet are out!! Funny!!!