Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Burning California skies

This has been a terrible week for people across our state.  Wild fires have burned so hot and so fast that some people literally had no where to run.

Our son took these shots from his back yard.  They are from the Woolsey fire in Southern California.  Although the fire came quite close at times, the winds kept it moving to the west, away from his home. 

Here in Lincoln and throughout the Sacramento Valley the air is filled with smoke from the camp fire in Paradise.  You can see in this shot from my yard the sun shining weakly through the haze, most outdoor activities have been canceled.

For us it is merely an inconvenience, for the people of Paradise it is a catastrophe.  So far 48 people have been found dead and over 200 are still unaccounted for.  Thousands are now homeless in an area that already had a housing shortage.

Our "Dear Leader" has chosen to blame the people of California citing poor forest management ignoring the fact that most of our forest lands are managed by the federal government and the Woolsey fire is in an area with few trees, mostly grass and brush.  Perhaps it would be better if he would acknowledge climate change and establish policies to reduce global warming.

You can find more views of the sky (hopefully more pleasant ones) at SkyWatch, Friday


Jim said...

The destruction is sad.

Photos by Stan said...

We watch the news coverage of the fires with horror. Hopefully you will remain out of harm's way!!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I've been saying prayers for everyone - it's horrible to think of the destruction and danger

carol l mckenna said...

So sad ~ lots of healing energy hugs to you and family and those in Paradise ~

Our 'dear leader' seems incapable of compassion and not a very good leader!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Such scary sights. Yes the fires are very scary and I don't know what was going through the Prez's puny little head when he was tweeting his threats.

We know a lot more about fires and fuel management than what we used to when my dad worked for the Forest Service. Back then it was put all fires out immediately no matter what. Which was great but left a lot of fuel out and about. I suspect you already know all this.

And now of course we have climate change that for some reason some people have trouble accepting.

Take care!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Absolutely heartbreaking. I'm one of the fortunate ones in CA... not near any of the burn areas, but I've been following it closely. Read an article in the paper today about the Paradise senior class of 2018. The school survived, but the students are all homeless and moving away to live with relatives. Nobody knows if they will graduate and what will happen to the school. Tragic.

KB said...

I've been watching from New Zealand. My heart breaks for the people of CA

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the photos are scary and amazing. My prayers go out to the people and firefighters in these areas. I can not imagine loosing everything. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Lady Fi said...

So very awful!

Jutta.K. said...

It's so awful to see such pictures.
We're watching this tragedy on TV and are shaken too tyrely!
I hope that there will soon be an end in sight.
Sad that so many people had to die.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This has been so scary Martha. I saw on FB that your son's home was OK, but that smoke.... absolutely frightening.